Good Health Just Got Easier to Swallow

My Secret Weapon: Lavender Mailette Essential Oil

Sitting on my own in church with four children under the age of 7 is not always something to look forward to. Furious and frustrated, I once took my kids straight home after service and made them sit still and quiet for 10 minutes. I then informed them that if they can not sit quietly during the sermon they will sit quietly at home. Either way they will be sitting still somewhere each Sunday. Boy did that work! Now all I have to do in church is whisper: "Do you want to sit still now, or later?"

Obviously my 1 year old has not grasped this concept quite yet. With him my 'secret weapon' is Lavender Oil. I have carried him in my sling since birth so he is used to it and is quite content in it. I put a drop of this Lavender oil on the side of my sling, it relaxes him and most of the time he snuggles in and goes to sleep. If one of the older kids start to get too fidgety I put my arm around them and pull them close to where the lavender is. They soon clam down and sometimes even go to sleep too.

The Ancient Legacy Lavender Oil which I buy from Youngevity is non-toxic and non-irritating. It's even safe to use right on the skin of young children. I have used it twice on burns that my kids suffered. Both burns were small in size but severe enough to result in blisters. Applying the lavender oil to the burn along with a cold compress took the pain away considerably and healed the skin much quicker than one might expect. The blisters disappeared, and only a red mark was left which after a day or so was hardly noticeable and then disappeared all together.

(Ancient Legacy oils are E.O.B.B.D. certified, which is why they are the only essential oils I would trust or recommend using in the ways I described above. To read more about why E.O.B.B.D certification is so important, click here.)


Little Natural Cottage said...

What a great post, Angelika! I think I might have to try your "sit still at home or at church" method sometime... I can certainly relate!

I've used lavender oil a little but not in the ways you suggested... sounds like a mother's best friend! Thanks for sharing.

~Kristy @ Homemaker's Cottage

Katy-Anne Binstead said...

I finally got around to approving your comment. Sorry about the misunderstanding. I've been sick and had a LOT of stuff going on while I've been sick which is never fun.