Good Health Just Got Easier to Swallow

Add Zip to Your Water

We all know how important it is to drink lots and lots of water, but some of us find plain water a bit boring. Instead of turning to drinks that are loaded with sugar, sweeteners, artificial flavors, or like soda pop are carbonated, try giving your water a little zip with E.O.B.B.D. Certified Lemon Essential Oil. Add a drop or two of lemon oil to a bottle of water.

Not only does the lemon add a bit of zip to make your water taste great, it also has many health benefits:
  • It purifies the water
  • It purifies your liver
  • It purifies your blood
  • It stimulates the immune system (it stimulates your white blood cells)
  • It is beneficial to people struggling with weight gain, obesity or cellulite
What a great way to enjoy water and stay healthy!

NOTE: Ingesting essential oils can be dangerous! Please, please, please ONLY use E.O.B.B.D certified essential oils. All Ancient Legacy oils are E.O.B.B.D. certified, which is why they are the only essential oils I trust or recommend using in the ways I described above. To read more about why E.O.B.B.D certification is so important, click here.

A Healthy Gut = A Healthy You

Did you know that 85% of your immunity is in your gut? Your digestive system is the first line of defense, but most of us have a very week digestive system due to prescription drugs (antibiotics, etc.), a bad diet, or something as simple as depletion of your good bacteria/enzymes as you get older. It is highly recommended that you do a Flora Program before you start a nutritional program so that you are able to absorb all the great nutrition with which you will be pampering your body. Plus, since your gut is your first line of defense against all sorts of illnesses, this Flora program is vital in keeping you healthy.

Flora program -- flood your system with ProBiotics:

For children:
  • Cut dosage.
  • For babies and children who have difficulty swallowing pills, open capsules into a bit of plain yogurt for them to eat.
Now your digestive sytem can fend off illness, and you are able to absorb nutrients much more efficiently, keeping you HEALTHY! You are off to a good start in digestive health!