Good Health Just Got Easier to Swallow

Birth Control: Not Just a Health Issue but also a Moral Issue

Hormonal contraception has been questioned since it's appearance on the market. It can increase blood pressure, affect cholesterol levels, increases your risk of some cancers, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (especially if you smoke), and so on.

Then there are the moral issues. The obvious one is, "Is it wrong to prevent a pregnancy?" While there are some of us who may think that it is NOT WRONG to prevent a pregnancy, most of us would agree that it is definately WRONG to terminate a pregnancy. Doctors will not always tell you that the pill can actually lead to a spontaneous abortion, either because they are themselves not aware or simply because they do not think it should be a concern of theirs. As I understand it, the pill does NOT ALWAYS prevent ovulation, but the pill ALWAYS thins the lining of the uterus in order to make implantation of a fertilized egg (baby) almost impossible and therefore causes a spontaneous abortion. This takes place without the mother ever knowing that she is (was) pregnant.

Please take some time to read this study:

If you do not have the time to read the article, I have copied and pasted it's conclusion here:

The available evidence supports the
hypothesis that when ovulation and
fertilization occur in women taking
OCs, postfertilization effects are
operative on occasion to prevent
clinically recognized pregnancy.
Physicians should understand and
respect the beliefs of patients who
consider human life to be present
and valuable from the moment of
fertilization. Since it would be difficult
to predict which patients might
object to being given an OC if they
were aware of possible postfertilization
effects, mentioning the potential
for postfertilization effects of
OCs to all patients and providing
detailed information about the
evidence to those who request it is
necessary for adequately informed

Fighting Alzheimer’s in a Nutritional Way

Odds are that you know of someone who suffers from this terrible disease. I myself can name many, not to mention the ones who suffer right along with their loved one as they watch them deteriorate.

A recent ABC news story reports that 18% of all Baby Boomers (that’s 14 million people) are expected to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is growing at an alarmingly accelerated rate. Currently 5.2 million people have the disease, of which 500,000 are under the age of 65.

Wow! Those are frightening statistics to say the least! Why are there suddenly so many people with this disease? Where did it come from? What causes it? Conventional doctors will tell you that age is the only risk factor. Well, we can’t avoid getting older, and if age is the sole cause of this disease, then why was this disease unheard of before the 1970’s? People have been getting old since the beginning of time. Yet the fact is that this disease was not known to exist before then, not even under another name.

So what lifestyle changes did we make in the 1970’s that could have contributed to this epidemic? Dr. Joel D. Wallach asserts the following:

“Alzheimer’s appears to be a physician caused disease, because doctors have encouraged people, in fact demanded people to give up saturated fats and cholesterol and move to a cholesterol free diet to get their cholesterol down below 200. They have created no less than 25 cholesterol deficient diseases and to me Alzheimer's is one of the big ones.”

“75% of our brain weight is pure cholesterol. It’s called myelin, and it’s that fatty stuff which insulates each nerve fiber, the brain, and the spinal cord. We can only make about 10% of our daily need of cholesterol. The other 90% must come from our diet. And if a person is very, very good at giving up chicken skin, red meat, and eggs like a doctor would have them do, after about 6, 8, or 10 years they are NOT going to be able to keep up with the maintenance and repair needs of that cholesterol which is needed for the insulation of the myelin, brain, and spinal cord. And so you can just expect a person is going to develop one or more of these 25 physician caused diseases.”

“The best way to avoid Alzheimer’s disease is to eat a couple eggs every morning for breakfast, not cooked in margarine or fried. You want to consume as much as 72 ounces of red meat every month. I know that sounds like a lot, but that only amounts to just one quarter pounder per day. You want to supplement with the 90 essential nutrients. When you get to the Vitamin E level you want to have at least 2000 IU, and you want to have 500 micro grams of Selenium. And if you do that, even if you already have Alzheimer’s disease you can expect a significant amount of return of memory.”

On his DDDL (“Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”) radio program dated March 18th, 2008, Dr. Wallach talked about Alzheimer’s disease. He discusses how there is a high correlation between cholesterol-lowering drugs and Alzheimer’s disease. Click the link to listen. It’s very informative!!!

Dead Doctors Don’t Lie Radio Program

Why not educate yourself while surfing the net? Listen to Dr. Wallach’s radio program while surfing through your favorite sites. Dr. Wallach discusses all sorts of health topics, medical studies, and health news. Listen to callers asking Dr. Wallach for advice on their health challenges and learn about safe, natural remedies to keep you healthy and/or help you overcome whatever ails you.

Want to talk to the good "Doc" yourself?
Call 1-888-379-2552 between 2-3 pm Central time.
Or call 1-877-912-7529 between 3-4 pm Central time.

Think Spring!

As I was cutting up a tasteless store-bought tomato for our salad, I was looking out the kitchen window onto our vegetable garden that is still buried in three feet of snow. I can’t wait to start digging in the dirt again and grow some fresh veggies! These store bought tomatoes taste like grass and I am SO ready to have some nice, juicy, flavorful tomatoes, picked fresh from the garden. Yum!

Veggies fresh from the garden taste so much better and are better for you, but what is their nutritional value? My garden has been there for many, many years. All the people that lived here before us have used it and taken from the soil, but what have they put back into the soil to help it grow veggies that are high in vitamins and minerals? Plants do not make minerals. Rather, they take minerals from the soil. If they don’t get the essential minerals from the soil they can’t make vitamins efficiently, and therefore you end up with a vegetable, or fruit, that is deficient in essential nutrients (minerals/vitamins). Our food’s nutrient value has dropped drastically over the years because we are not replacing the minerals that we are taking out of the soil. The fertilizer (whether it be organic or not) only supplies enough nutrients to help the plant grow lush and big. Plants only need 9 minerals to grow happily and healthy, whereas our bodies need 60 minerals. To help our crops reach their full potential when it comes to their nutritional value, we ourselves need to supply all the minerals to make that possible.

Wood ash is very high in minerals and in years past people would always sprinkle their wood ash from the fireplace or cooker in the garden. This added loads of nutrients to the soil. Last fall I burned some branches that were blown off our trees and collected the wood ash to sprinkle on my garden. I’m hoping that this will add much needed minerals to the soil. I’m also looking forward to adding some Blooming Minerals soil conditioner and plant food, containing up to 77 organically bound earth elements. I’ve heard so many good things about this stuff. Not only does it promote healthy plant growth, but it also feeds the plants all the minerals necessary to bare a crop packed with essential nutrients the way it was designed to be.

Think spring everyone!

Why Are Essential Nutrients Called Essential Nutrients?

For two reasons:
1. Our body does not manufacture them, we must consume them.
2. If you are missing even just one essential nutrient you will get a disease, or a collection of diseases, many of which are life threatening.

Nutritional minerals are not distributed evenly throughout the earth’s crust. Just like gold and silver do, nutritional minerals appear as “veins” in the earth’s crust much like raspberry sauce in raspberry ripple ice cream. Therefore it is impossible to get ALL the essential nutrients from produce which is grown in the same field.

Plants only need nine (9) minerals to grow happily; we need sixty (60). When you see a plant that looks very healthy and nutritious you know that it has at least nine (9) minerals but we need the other fifty-one (51) as well! Therefore, just because the food you are eating looks nutritious does NOT mean that it has ALL the ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS that we need to stay happy and healthy!

(my notes from one of Dr. Joel Wallach’s lectures)

Added on March 19th, 2008:
How to ensure that your body receives the 90 essential nutrients:

The Classic and Tangy are a highly bio-available liquid packed full of vitamins, plant derived colloidal minerals, and amino acids. It’s safe, even for children.

My Secret Weapon: Lavender Mailette Essential Oil

Sitting on my own in church with four children under the age of 7 is not always something to look forward to. Furious and frustrated, I once took my kids straight home after service and made them sit still and quiet for 10 minutes. I then informed them that if they can not sit quietly during the sermon they will sit quietly at home. Either way they will be sitting still somewhere each Sunday. Boy did that work! Now all I have to do in church is whisper: "Do you want to sit still now, or later?"

Obviously my 1 year old has not grasped this concept quite yet. With him my 'secret weapon' is Lavender Oil. I have carried him in my sling since birth so he is used to it and is quite content in it. I put a drop of this Lavender oil on the side of my sling, it relaxes him and most of the time he snuggles in and goes to sleep. If one of the older kids start to get too fidgety I put my arm around them and pull them close to where the lavender is. They soon clam down and sometimes even go to sleep too.

The Ancient Legacy Lavender Oil which I buy from Youngevity is non-toxic and non-irritating. It's even safe to use right on the skin of young children. I have used it twice on burns that my kids suffered. Both burns were small in size but severe enough to result in blisters. Applying the lavender oil to the burn along with a cold compress took the pain away considerably and healed the skin much quicker than one might expect. The blisters disappeared, and only a red mark was left which after a day or so was hardly noticeable and then disappeared all together.

(Ancient Legacy oils are E.O.B.B.D. certified, which is why they are the only essential oils I would trust or recommend using in the ways I described above. To read more about why E.O.B.B.D certification is so important, click here.)